Saturday, 23 February 2013

Machine embroidery

F I N A L  W E E K

In my final week of machine embroidery we were set another brief of twenty samples. This meant that I have been able to explore further using combinations of whatever feet or techniques I wanted. I feel that some of my samples began to look quite similar, and so I tried to plan my ideas which helped as I managed to produce samples more quickly rather than having so much thinking time in between each one. 
Overall this week I am actually much happier with the samples that I have produced, and I think that there is a very defined difference between the first and last week of machine embroidery. 

Below are some of the last samples that I produced and are happiest with. 
The first sample was produced using the tufter, the pin tuck and embroidery foot. The middle section (where you can see the the peach and black together) was produced by using the pin tuck foot back to front and that effect is normally found on the back of the sample. 

I like this sample because I feel it relates to some of my data using tea bags, as it almost looks a little broken up and pulled apart, like the tea bags looked when I had cut them open. Another reason why I like these particular samples is because I have used a wide range of techniques and grey scale. I think it almost looks like a drawing. 

The second sample was produced in sections. Firstly I pin tucked onto a shear fabric and then embellished it onto the base. Then I used the tufter and blended yarns together. I also purposefully used a yarn (black) which I knew would snap easily in order to produce the mark which looks like a pen which is running out. 

This sample was produced using three colours and the Tailor tack foot. I pulled all of the spool threads out and was left with this lovely seeding effect. 

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