Friday, 7 February 2014

Sourcing Jewellery Materials

N O R T H E R N   Q U A R T E R  

Today I have been out sourcing materials in order to construct my jewellery. I thought this would be an easy task but I actually came across a massive problem. I spent hours trying to figure out what to use to make my woven samples into jewellery pieces. I searched the shops high and low, I looked through chains, cords, leather, beads, but I could feel that somehow nothing was right. It wasn't for a few hours that it suddenly hit me that none of these materials felt right for my samples.
 The problem is that my woven samples are so delicate and intricate, that I feel like none of the products I have seen reflect these delicate qualities. After having a break and thinking some more I have now decided the best thing to do now is to go back home and decided exactly which samples I am going to make into necklace pieces and which ones I am going to keep flat. After I have made these next decisions, I will revisit and try again, my other options are to make something myself... 

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