Friday, 4 April 2014

Book Binding Workshop

P R E S E N T A T I O N 

As part of the independent collaborative task, I decided to set up a book binding workshop for the weavers. After discussing it last week we found that it was something we were all interested in and would like to learn to do, particularly as it would come in useful for the presentation of our work next year and possibly at the end of Unit X. The workshop was really useful and we all learnt about several processes and techniques, and learnt how to use the various machines. It was useful to do this collaboratively as we could share our ideas on how to use these processes in relation to weave and we talked about how we could present our samples. Furthermore, we were interested in book binding as it is a technique which comes from Japan, and as we had all looked at the Japanese Gardens at Tatton Park for inspiration in one way or another, we decided this would fit nicely into our projects. 

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